Most communications pros are more than happy to offer tips that could help you master the art of social media. But today, we’re switching it up. We’re taking a page from one of our favorite “journalists” for this post. That’s right. Andie Anderson (played by the fabulous Kate Hudson) from the classic rom-com “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” has inspired us to write a how-to in reverse.
Like Andie, we thought it might be fun to point out the ridiculous lengths some will go to in order to keep your attention and remain relevant. Here are a few things you’ll want to try if you’re looking to lose some Twitter followers or see the number of Facebook page likes fall really quickly. (Just remember this post is meant to be ironic.)
Fail to do your research.
Remember DiGiorno’s poor use of the #WhyIStayed hashtag? Or how about Entenmann’s use of #notguilty following the Casey Anthony verdict? So what if they forgot to look into the meaning of the hashtags featured in their posts? These brands definitely figured out a winning strategy to draw attention to themselves. In fact, they received a lot of news coverage and shout-outs on various social networks. Who wouldn’t want that kind of (negative) exposure?
Insert yourself into any online conversation, particularly if the topic has nothing to do with your brand.
“Newsjacking” a trending topic or current event is a popular way to become a part of an ongoing conversation, so it makes perfect sense that brands do just this on holidays or special occasions. Kudos to the many, many brands who took the time to commemorate 9/11, especially Official Fleshlight and Intimacy Box. Their products and brand identity could never be linked to this national tragedy, but good for them (not really) for getting involved with a significant conversation.
Toot your own horn.
If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out those brands that don’t hesitate to brag about themselves. While everyone else is trying to engage their followers and focus on two-way conversations, some brands have figured out that social networks are another avenue for shameless self-promotion. These brands intentionally ignore comments and questions, refuse to host contests or online promotions, and never thank their followers for anything. They boldly go where no other brands dare to go to stay in control of communications (and basically snub followers along the way.)
Forget about it. And by it, we mean your accounts.
It’s all very exciting when you start posting and gain a lot of followers shortly after creating accounts/pages. But posting on various social networks eventually loses its appeal and becomes a chore. Don’t feel too bad when social media drops on your priority list, you forget to keep up with your accounts/pages, or publish the same type of content when you do remember to post. It happens to a lot of brands (which can really hurt them in the long run).
Now, we’re not really encouraging you to try these tactics. Rather, we want you to take a look at your social media strategy to determine where there may be room for improvement. Figuring out what works and what doesn’t – in general and for you in particular – is an ongoing process. If you learn as you go, your social media followers will likely stick with you, and if you’re lucky, help to grow your online community. Good luck!